Description: Minimum of three sentences.
Rank: (E through S; E through C rank characters can't use weapons higher than C rank; B rank characters can't use weapon higher than B rank; A rank characters can't use weapons higher than A rank)
Type: (The reference to the number of weapons in existence; General for unlimited amount, Special for a few of the weapon, and Unique if there is only one of the weapon)
Other Requirements: (Like Country/time period only, event, rank, etc.): [Optional]
Picture of Weapon: [Optional]
Description: Minimum of three sentences.
Rank: (E through S; E through C rank characters can't use weapons higher than C rank; B rank characters can't use weapon higher than B rank; A rank characters can't use weapons higher than A rank)
Type: (The reference to the number of weapons in existence; General for unlimited amount, Special for a few of the weapon, and Unique if there is only one of the weapon)
Other Requirements: (Like Country/time period only, event, rank, etc.): [Optional]
Picture of Weapon: [Optional]
- Code:
[b]Other Requirements:[/b]
[b]Picture of Weapon:[/b]